Why do we test?

Testing can only show the presence, not the absence of bugs.

Edsger W. Dijkstra

Property based testing

with Cycle.js

Jan van Brügge

We cannot test everything

What can we do about that?

More tests!

How can we save us from even more work?

Do not write unit tests!

Generate them

What is property based testing?

  • The set of possible inputs is too big (most likely \(\infty\))
  • Manual unit tests pick a few, fixed values out of that set
  • Why not pick all?

Write proberties in the form \(\forall a \in S: prop(a) = true\)


Write powerful and concise tests.

What do we need to generate unit tests?

We have to examine or code,

exploit mathematical properties we find

and check if the property holds true for every possible input.

Let's take a look, shall we?


What did we just see?

  • An arbitrary to generate random values
  • A property: \(\forall a,b \in \mathbb Z : add(a, b) = a + b\)
  • An assertion that the property should hold true

Any problem with this property?


                        function add(a : number, b : number) {
                            return a + b;


                        const property = forall(integer, integer, (a, b) => {
                            return add(a, b) === a + b;

We just reimplemented the function!

Other properties we could use

  • Identity: \(\forall a \in \mathbb Z : a + 0 = a\)
  • Commutative: \(\forall a,b \in \mathbb Z : a + b = b + a\)
  • Associative: \(\forall a,b,c \in \mathbb Z : (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)\)
  • Negation: \(\forall a \in \mathbb Z : a + (-a) = 0\)

Translated into code:


Short recap

  • Do not reimplement the function you are testing in your property
  • It is fine to use multiple properties and combine them

Moving to Cycle.js

Let's test a counter app


Finding a property

Using the property


Short recap

  • Use diagramArbitrary to generate random sequences of events
  • Mock your DOM with them
  • Use html-looks-like to test the resulting DOM

Writing own arbitraries

Let's take a look at the diagramArbitrary


Testing more complex apps



Possible properties

  • Higher value in the data → higher value in the graph
  • Relative vectical space between points has to be the same as the data

Implementation left as exercise for the viewer :)

So what to do now?